Robert Markus Portrait

Róbert Márkus (PhD) is Senior Imaging Technician at The University of Nottingham. He worked as a researcher at Stockholm University till August of 2014. Previously he had been working at the Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, where he started the work presented here. Photography is an organic part of his work. He uses the microscope equipped with a camera to create artistically elaborated photographs which have won him several prestigious international awards (in Europe and America alike). Photography is to him an instrument by which he directs the attention of his peers to the importance of minute things, while at the same time he also invites us to remark beauty as an aesthetic experience. By his microscopic photographs he intends to represent the mystery of science and the stories lying behind it. First comes the impression, then the representation, and last but not least, the enhancement of the visual experience by the use of various lighting techniques.











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