Head of an intestinal paraiste (Taenia solium)
Pistil of four o clock flower with pollen (Mirabilis jalapa)
Human hair in depilatory cream
Plant scale (trichome) of fuzzy deutzia (Deutzia scabra)
Outer skin of an aphid (Aphis sp.)
Unicellular protozoa (Vorticella nebulifera)
Freshwater rotifer (Rotatoria sp.)
Pollen of four o clock flower (Mirabilis jalapa)
Moth tongue
Wing scales of Elephant hawk-moth (Deilephila elphenor)
Mildew on tomato
Bee abdomen with pollen (Apis mellifera)
Brine shrimp (Artemia salina)
Opening anther of four o clock flower (Mirabilis jalapa)
3D microscopic image of sugar
Onion crystals (Allium cepa)
Drosophila blood cells (red) phagocytose bacteria (green)
Dandelion pistil (Taraxacum hollandicum)
Fluorescent blood cells of Drosophila larva